Monthly Support Meetings
Bluegrass Ovarian Cancer Support, Inc. hosts monthly meetings of our support group on the 3rd Wednesday, alternating between Zoom at 7pm ET and in-person gatherings 6pm ET. Contact Rose Lewis for the Zoom link and to be added to our mailing list.
Mar 19, 7pm Zoom - speaker info forthcoming
Feb 19, 6pm - Ramsey's on West Zandale, Lexington. Just a time for community. We are each responsible for our own dinner.
Jan 15, 7pm Zoom - no speaker
Dec - no meeting
Nov 20th, 7pm Zoom - Brandi Enlow, APRN in the division of Gynecologic Oncology, Markey Center, at UK HealthCare. Brandi spoke about pelvic floor physical therapy. A recording is available. Please contact Rose Lewis.
Oct 16th, 6pm - Ramsey's on West Zandale, Lexington. Just a time for community.
Sept 29th, 1pm - LUNCHEON at Origin Hotel
Aug 21st, 7pm Zoom - Dr. Robert Slocum of UK Integrative Medicine. Dr. Slocum gave an introduction to Narrative Medicine and guided us through a journaling activity.
July 17th, 6pm in-person - Ramsey's in Zandale on Nicholasville Rd, Lexington
June 19, 7pm Zoom - Allison Sikora, MD, gynecologic oncology fellow at the University of Kentucky. Her presentation was "Update on Targeted & Immunotherapy in Ovarian Cancer."
May 15, 6pm in-person - Ramsey's in Zandale on Nicholasville Rd, Lexington
Apr 17, 7pm Zoom - Dr. Hope Cottrill of Baptist Health. She discussed the latest updates from the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists meeting.
Mar 20, 6pm in-person - Holly Bender, Bluegrass Care Navigators on grief and anxiety.
Feb 21, 7pm Zoom
Jan 17, 7pm Zoom - Rachel Miller, dietitian at UK Markey Center
December - no meeting
Nov 15, 6pm at Ramsey's Diner in Zandale, Lexington - no speaker, just a time for fellowship
Oct 18, 7pm Zoom - Dr. Taylor Ann Rives, UK Fellow, discussing immunotheraphy
If you would like to watch Dr. Rives' presentation, click here.
Sept 24, 1pm - Save the Date: BOCS Celebration Luncheon at Origin Hotel
Aug 16, 6pm at Bronte Bistro - no speaker, just a time for fellowship
July 19, 7pm Zoom - Karen Young from NOCC
If you would like to view Karen's presentation, click here. You'll need the Passcode: #9shgcfs [required].
June 21, 6pm at Bronte Bistro - no speaker, just a time for fellowship
May 17, 6pm at Bronte Bistro - no speaker, just a time for fellowship
April 19, 7pm Zoom - Tracy Moore from OCRA
March 15, 6pm at Bronte Bistro - no speaker, just a time for fellowship
February 15, 7pm Zoom - Rose Lewis will present about OCRA's "Survivors Teachings Students" program
January 18, 7pm Zoom - Rose Lewis & Enid Wohlstein discussing OCRA and NOCC
December - no meeting
November 16 Zoom - Dr. Schweer on PARP inhibitors
October 19 at Bronte Bistro - Jennifer Bradley and Jin Shin Jyutsu.
September 25 - Annual Luncheon
August 17 Zoom - Michael Kreisle, Kre8Now Makerspace
July 20 Zoom - Emily Caudill, an ovarian cancer survivor and Music Therapist
May 18 Zoom - Dr. John Patterson, Mind Body Studio.
April 20 Zoom - No speaker, just conversation.
March 16 - Kathryn Dickens, RDN, LD. Kathryn is the Registered Dietitian Nutritionist at Good Foods Co-op.
February - no meeting
January 19 Zoom - Dr. Hope Cottrill and Dr. Monica Vetter, and Nurse Practitioner, Jessica Schorck from Baptist Health, on cervical cancer prevention along with HPV education and its role in prevention.