Bluegrass Ovarian Cancer Support, Inc.
19 Feb Monthly Support Meeting
We will have our monthly support group meeting on 2/19 at 6pm ET at Ramsey's in Zandale, Lexington. Those in treatment, other survivors, caregivers, and providers are welcome to join us. No speaker this month, just time for sharing and having a meal together. We are each responsible for our own dinner.
Annual Celebration Luncheon 2025
28 September we will gather with friends, family and caregivers, and community partners to celebrate survivors including those in treatment for ovarian or gynecologic cancer. We remembere those we lost during the year. At the luncheon, we recognize healthcare providers and others who support patients and survivors. Mark your calendar for checkin at 12:30 at Origin Hotel, The Summit, Lexington.
Ovarian and Gynecologic Cancers Risk Factors
Learn about risk factors from the Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance